This is the second in a series of posts that have sections of the Crimson Reach Player's Guide that I am working on. When I have a few more sections completed I'll create hyper-linked pages of the guide in progress for ease of use.
Creating a Character
Creating a character for a campaign in the Crimson Reach is quick and straightforward. Grab a pencil, paper, and some dice, and let’s get started.
- Generate Ability Scores. Roll 4d6 discarding the lowest die roll. Total the remaining three dice and jot down the result. Do this six times. If at least one of the scores is not 15 or higher, or if there are three scores lower than 9, then discard the scores and re-roll.
- Pick a Lineage. Read through Peoples of the Reach and choose one of the described lineages. Record the lineage features associated with your choice.
- Choose a Class. Read the section Classes in the Crimson Reach and pick a class. You may also want to read Multi-classing in the Crimson Reach. You can only choose to multi-class at character creation. Please be aware this is a complex option.
- Arrange your Ability Scores. Assign your six rolled ability scores to one of Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, and Charisma. The class descriptions include recommendations for which abilities are most important for that class.
- Adjust your Ability Scores. Player Characters can add +1 to two different ability scores. You may want to look at Table 1 – Ability Score Adjustments, to see which of your scores may get an adjustment improvement from the +1.
- Write down Ability Adjustments. For each of your six abilities, consult Table 1 and note the Adjustment for its score next to the Ability Score.
- Write down Class Features. Jot down the Level 1 features for your chosen class. Some of these may be affected by one of your Ability Adjustments. If spellcasting is one of your 1st level features, you select a spell or spells as directed in the class feature.
- Choose a Background. Read through Backgrounds in the Crimson Reach and choose one of the Backgrounds. Table nn – Random Backgrounds by Lineage, shows the typical backgrounds found in each lineage. Note the Background Feature on your character sheet.
- Pick starting equipment. You start with the equipment listed for both your class and your background. Some listed equipment requires you to make a choice. For example, Fighters choose a martial weapon. Consult the equipment tables to make this choice. Your background will also have a random amount of starting money. Roll for that money and buy additional equipment from the equipment tables. Record any unspent starting money.
- Calculate additional Scores. Roll the Hit Points (HP), adjusted for CON, listed in your class description. Write the Armor Class (AC) from your starting armor, modified by your DEX. Write down your bonuses to hit and damage next to each of your starting weapons. Write down your Saving Throws from Table nn – Saving Throws by Class and Level.
- Pick an Alignment. Read the alignment descriptions in Alignment and choose an alignment that appeals to you. Some classes have constraints on their alignment choice. Be aware of them when making your choice.
- Choose a Deity. Look through the section Deities of the Reach. Spell-casting classes that get their spells from a deity must choose an appropriate god to follow. Other characters may select a god if they wish.
- Give your Character a Name. Note down a name and as much of a description as you wish. Lineage descriptions can help with things like height, weight, and coloration.